10 Phrases You Should Never Say to Your Child

They can ruin your child’s life.

Valdir Light
5 min readOct 4, 2024
Image by Artur Skoniecki from Pixabay

There are words that should always be said when there is a reason for it. These are, for example, words of support, praise, and sympathy. There are words that need to be used with caution, such as words of condemnation. And there are phrases that should never be uttered. We’ll talk about them today.

1. Don’t be stupid

Synonyms: “Don’t talk nonsense”, “Stop talking nonsense”.
Why not? Children, unlike adults, never talk “nonsense”.

Everything the little one decides to tell you is important to them, no matter how funny or ridiculous it may seem to you.

With these phrases, you let your child know that their words are not important to you. Don’t be surprised later that the child has secrets so early on.

What in return? Instead of dismissing your child, listen to them. If your child talks about some of their discoveries, rejoice with them. If there’s a problem, try to find a solution.

2. Here, take me, leave me alone

Synonyms : “Hold me and leave me alone”, “Take me and don’t bother me any more”.

Why not? The worst way to give in to a child’s demands. Not only are you giving him a…

